Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Which Is Stronger Zebutal Capsules Or Tablets

Os2007 Hacker Edition for Nokia N770

pushed a little 'out of curiosity and a bit' by the desire to give new life to my Nokia N770 , I decided (a bit 'late, I admit) to try the firmware called experimental Os2007 Hacker Edition .

The aim of the project is to bridge the gap that had been created between the 'el N770' N800 allowing developers to develop those having an N770 for the N800.

Although this version is declared as unstable and unsuitable for the end user, I must admit that I found very few problems with. The system is being installed at 99% that runs on the N800. Obviously there are differences and visible Opera is upgraded, Flash is outdated and finally there is Skype.

the remainder of the two systems are alike as two drops of water! One impression I got is that the interface was much more 'responsive and fast, even though I could not even do test more' depth.

If you want to download the firmware, the link where you can find it is: http://maemo.org/downloads/os2007_hacker_edition.php

on this site but you can find all the information to install it correctly: http : / / maemo.org/community/wiki/os2007on770 /

My advice for those who were then in possession of an N770 is to try this firmware, I am convinced that you will not be disappointed!


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