Saturday, May 19, 2007

Who Made The Original Bowie Knife

What cats !!!!!!!!!! Epic Movie

Verses For 21st Birthday Cards

Epic Movie is a film whose purpose is to amuse the audience taking the piss some American characters and plots of the film. It tells the story of four guys who win an epic adventure to be held in the country of GNarnia. It 'obvious that it is a parody of the movie "The Chronicles of Narnia." Among the films cited are "Robin Hood", "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," "Nacho Libre," "Harry Potter" parody which I think is the most beautiful.
The film should be judged for what it is ... a crazy film, not vulgar, fortunately, a laugh that the tears and thankfully do not bother because the film is short, so if you want a laugh take it into account even if there are around most entertaining film.

In short: A few laughs, the tears
Score: 6 -

Narrow Pencil Stool Insignificant


It 's the director of press reports that there Rogilla28 unfortunately yet another defeat of the team for two to zero, prediction fulfilled. This week the coach to hold opponents had opted for a very defensive team, despite what they arrived two goals. Unfortunately, the technical differences were evident and it did not do anything to defend themselves. Forture for this week have also lost our direct rivals for relegation, then nothing.

The delegate of print


Monday, May 14, 2007

Problem In

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hernia Operation,bloating

Marie Antoniette

Marie Antoinette is a film directed by the daughter of Francis Ford Coppola, Sofia, which is the marriage between Marie Antoinette, daughter of the king of Austria and Louis XVI, the dolphin. The film was shot pretty well, is also a pleasure to review. Show a Marie Antoinette sure loves divertinento and shopping sprees, but the sentimental point of view is "cleaner" than the history books actually tell us. Unfortunately, history is not successful, as in reality and also in the film we boys certainly we will be rooting for Louis, who unlike his father is a bit too frigid, while the king made merry with his mistress ( played by Asia Argento).

In summary: a beautiful film, shot well. Another exception would do for the music. Many times they are treated as an appendage to the film even though in reality they often communicate more than words and scenes (see the great music of Ennio Morricone), but in this case are really beautiful and the contrast between music and movies set in the recent the past is very special, so I preferred to discern in the vote ratings
rating: 7 - for movie and 8 1 / 2 for the music