Saturday, December 29, 2007

What To Write Congratulations On Pregnancy

Choice Bluetooth Headset for Sony Ericsson K750i

Ragazzuoli Hi, first of all merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone.
I write this guide to help you choose or not choose the better of two models of Bluetooth headsets for Sony Ericsson K750i.
begin with the first: a headset LG HBM-761.
I chose this model because I liked aesthetically, this is also why I did not mind having the brand also read on the package that is compatible with Sony Ericsson .... unfortunately not with my time ...
Back home I first coupling with the cell, ie in sequence and hold for a while the headset answer button until the LED does not become fixed (if it flashes turn off the headset and try again) then I turned the bluetooth on k750i, so I did the research. All good so far. Ear found. But now the bitter surprise, unfortunately. When I call the sound you hear from the headset but the cell though the headset is connected and recognized. Do various tests but nothing. It works well as a microphone but the sound of the conversation does not want to know to get out from the headset. I go to the dealer who can not run it on my cell. Let's try with his cell phone (a Nokin) and it works correctly.
Let's try a different model H200 (lower cost), but essentially unknown mother, this time seems to work.
I go home and start reading the instructions. And now here we recognize a product: Instructions English or in Chinese. Uhm .... luckily speak English (a bit). I note with disappointment that the autonomy is to call in 4 hours (less than 6 hours of LG), however, was a model that I liked among others in the shop, excluding of course LG. The headset, which I do not recommend the purchase regardless of the cell, unlike the LG if that is seen correctly by your cell is a nice and good headset, then a strange way of charging: you put in a sort of rectangle of plastic , which serves to guard, which attaches the feeder jek ... the problem is that if you lose the casket goodbye charge. In addition, though he did not need support for the ear as it maintains itself, out there in the box that applies, but one that if you put the headset is offset from the lobe, making the whole ugly, then no attack better.
The quality is poor and in fact random disconnections and in most cases after a few seconds ... I know that this may also depend on my cell but it is the headset with the same objects unsatisfied {.... disconnections are probably due to my cell, in a setting wrong because then he did so with the Motorola H350 ... Fortunately it seems that I solved .... But I can not be sure that the H200 does not suffer from this disconnection. I basically solved by making sure that every time I use the headset is connected to the k750 headset by looking device, if I leave it to the cell and the headset is as good if not connected ...}
The carry-back from the seller, who this time seems to make problems. He tells me that my phone is to be clearly fault .... "Embee" (I think), an ear tag of € 24.90 unknown mother certainly is better than a cell that I paid 150 € but when it came out that it cost almost 400 (2 years ago) manufacturing Sony Ericsson. " He tells me that this was the last that would make me feel that I did not and would never be replaced though I had brought back before the ear as he had given them to me, even with plastic around it and also add that the shop you can make changes only if the new product has a cost no less than that otherwise you go back you have to take something else so at least even the score (which is absurd .... so why force you to buy new goods and lose).
However, I do not even bat an eye because I had already spent 31 € (lg I had the headset replaced with H200 and two rechargeable AA batteries so as to exceed the price of LG) and I wanted a headset that at least felt. Luckily I had documented on the net and I saw that the model of Motorola H350 headset is a great headset perfectly compatible with many cell including my K750i. After this threat not to change (and if it had broken out of the box what would have happened since I have a receipt dated today and they have to replace it within 7 days ....?) by the seller (who has lost a customer and ... what you say is your character so rude) I take the Motorola headset and I leave (after paying the difference of course). And you see that is of higher quality than either the LG that all'h200. The cell has no trouble finding and so far seems to work very well, he never lost the line. It also has a range of 8 hours of talk time and 6 days on standby. He has the hook behind the ear, is comfortable to wear, more massive LG which is dell'h200, but everything is due to a much higher quality.
If you want a good bluetooth headset for Sony Ericsson k750i then I recommend the Motorola H350 .... since it does not cost much.
With this guide I hope to be state aid in order to avoid as it happened to me a day of trouble to find a good headset for k750i.

Merry Christmas and happy 2008

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Samick Athlete Fibre Foam Recurve Limbs

Inclinometer: to know the angle of your car when you travel!

application for the N95 is depopulated on the Internet, it is dell'Inclinometer, useful to know the angle of your car along the way ... original as useless ...: D? The
find at this address docet

Thursday, October 25, 2007

How To Wax The Testicle

Guillermo Habacuc Vargas .... a crazy

I'll bear all the consequences ... a person who makes art in this way is to stop immediately and without flinching, however, this "person" is considered an artist.
Guillermo Vargas Habacuc is an "artist" of Costa Rica is also a musician. He has exhibited some of his works and a museum to represent the human barbarity (so he says) took a stray dog \u200b\u200brun down the street and left him to die of hunger and thirst to represent human hatred prohibiting visitors to leave the dog and feed him . It is however justified by saying that the dog would not eat because he was sick of starvation. These
his thesis.
This is my thesis: he is a murderess.
That dog if taken to a hospital would recover I am sure, just put the drip.
Horror and human shifezza has no limits. This is the site from which I took the news of this massacre, but just write the name of this criminal on the search engine see how many sites talk about this being.
The petition, signed by me, to boycott his shows this is . It 'obvious that a fool like that (this is just my opinion) must be stopped.

PS In fairness to my site mentioned there is the argument that this thing is a hoax alleged

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Which Is Stronger Zebutal Capsules Or Tablets

Os2007 Hacker Edition for Nokia N770

pushed a little 'out of curiosity and a bit' by the desire to give new life to my Nokia N770 , I decided (a bit 'late, I admit) to try the firmware called experimental Os2007 Hacker Edition .

The aim of the project is to bridge the gap that had been created between the 'el N770' N800 allowing developers to develop those having an N770 for the N800.

Although this version is declared as unstable and unsuitable for the end user, I must admit that I found very few problems with. The system is being installed at 99% that runs on the N800. Obviously there are differences and visible Opera is upgraded, Flash is outdated and finally there is Skype.

the remainder of the two systems are alike as two drops of water! One impression I got is that the interface was much more 'responsive and fast, even though I could not even do test more' depth.

If you want to download the firmware, the link where you can find it is:

on this site but you can find all the information to install it correctly: http : / / /

My advice for those who were then in possession of an N770 is to try this firmware, I am convinced that you will not be disappointed!

How Much Does A Leather Belt Cost?

Levi-Prodi law .... Second

And this time for the first time I talk about politics. Policy that interests me and that affects so many of you who like me have the sites, blogs and love the freedom.

Word lately (see De Magistris) is not that well-respected (pass me the euphemism).
In short, it's a law passed by the Council of Ministers on October 12, the Levi-Prodi law, which requires anyone with a website or blog to register with the ROC, a register of the Communications Authority, produce certificates , to pay a stamp duty, even if information is non-profit. Also
The Levi-Prodi law obliges anyone who has a website or blog achieve a publisher and a journalist have either registered as managing director.
To be objective reporting on what he writes Minister Di Pietro, which is part of this majority (maggioranza. ... well) Government

"I am receiving many emails and comments on critical Bill "New publishing rules and delegation to the Government to issue a consolidated text of legislation to streamline the publishing industry."

A clarification: the bill was not discussed in the Council of Ministers on October 12 because it presented as a measure of normal routine.

I read the text for the first time today and my opinion is that it goes immediately blocked the bill, in fact, put under protection and the Internet in Italy would probably lead to the end.

is a freedom-law, against the freedom of information and against the bloggers who publish articles every day ever reported by newspapers and television.

I am part of the government and I take my responsibility for not having caught the bill, but in my opinion this law will never pass, even at the cost of challenging the support to the Government of Italy of Values. "

I believe that we are passing the threshold, our politicians now control the issue with the traditional media (print and television) and they also want to check the last half free: the web.
This fact has exploded with news Web-I, but it can be one of my absence, I have heard on television ...
We are represented by these politicians.
I can not feel represented by those seeking to limit my freedom of speech. It 'just that those who write a blog or whatever result is not offensive, but it is in our freedom to disagree, or not?
because I have a blog, if it passed such a law, should I register my blog with the ROC to pay a registration fee ( but there are already too many taxes? ) and checked on what I write ....
seems to me a little bit the same case of De Magistris .... Beppe Grillo has a famous blog that started the V-Day and the whole movement of anti-politics, or rather I think the awareness of the injustices of those in government, and our ministers know that they do? De Magistris move and propose a law that Levi-Prodi whether Passas stragande as it would close the majority of sites (and embarrass the site of Beppe Grillo). Bella
freedom. Congratulations ... ah, if there are others I can recommend pardons .... are a few more! (there are no prisons? But have you ever seen Striscia la Notizia? And all services on prisons closed and completely finished?)
I am disgusted.

Ps If you disagree on this law look here and signed. Of course I did.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Member Di Doujinshi Moe

Youtubex: download YouTube videos directly online I believe is the best web 2.0 application to download videos from youtube! (But also from google , metacafe, myspace, ifilm) Online and in a matter of minutes you can download your favorite videos without having to reconnect them again!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Stool Bleeding, Testicle

USB Microscope - QX5

Finally a product useful geek! A microscope connected via USB to computer, 3 levels of zoom (10X 60X 200X) with which you can capture photos at a resolution of 640x480, and short video at 15 frames / sec, with LED lighting to make the most of the slide! It works with Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP and comes with editing software such as Eye Dropper, Slide Clip, and more! Priced at $ 99.99 on this site

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Template Car Crash Agreement Letter

Buckles for nerds! Watch

This belt buckle is just for nerds! Plays joystick to one of the oldest console, the Nintendo, and is available here for 19.99. There is also the head of Luke Skywalker of Star Trek ... speechless ...

What Cake Does Cake Boss Use

matrix style!

is not the original movie but the famous matrix this watch style makes his scene with LED display that shows time and date for 5 seconds the button is pressed, followed by a 'animation, all set in a case and a strap blacks very chic and priced at $ 39.99 !

Groping On Bus Brazil

WiFi T-shirt!

very useful as much as geek! This shirt features allows you to find wifi connection to your wireless device, the hidden hot spots, highlighting them on the front of the t shirt thanks to a comfortable moving images, all uploaded by AAA batteries, you need to remove during washing of course .... E ' available at $ 29.99 on this store

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Can I Get A Small Piece Of Corian

Generator ... the avatar!

Do you need an avatar for your blog or messaging chat? AvatarMaker for you and has provided the most among many others, hundreds of features from the mouth, chin, nose and tongue so on to describe the most of your facial features. What should I be represented there ... what do you think: D? Beautiful black braids

Can I Get Lyme Disease In December

generator ... everything!

On can customize vinyl, cassettes, badges, even churches and much more with the words you want! 8 votes for the imagination and just as useless!

Outline Of Jewish Wedding Program

all diamond-encrusted Nokia N95 ... chic!

I want it! It 's the first thing that comes to mind watching this tawdry, a Nokia N95 covered with 325 diamonds for a total of 3.3 carat and 18 carat white gold, the modest price of 20 thousand euros ! If you You can spend these coins to buy it now on the official website .

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Milena Velba And Police Miosotis

The largest LCD screen in the world!

Ben 250x30 meters measure the largest LCD screen on the planet! Needless to say to him are the usual oriental brought along twice a football field and installed as a kind of ceiling! Truly amazing ... this gaudy has cost well $ 32 million and will be one of the attractions of the 2008 Olympic Games to be held in Beijing.

Gays Mens Public Toilet

clothes and handbags in human skin!

want to buy online? Try clothes and bags ... in human skin (fake)! Really creepy idea! You can find here ...

Monday, October 1, 2007

How To Stretch Out My Labia Minora

Bluetooth Keyboard for Nokia next generation!

How should my friend Pasco (large Nokiomane) for our Nokia N95 as well as for the last generation is useful to buy this keyboard bluetooth, no bigger than a wallet, but really necessary for those who can not be separated from your phone! Original price of 140 euros on ebay some sellers German offer to 100 euros ... hurry up!

Front License Plate Holder Honda Civic

Rsizr, resizing intelligent!

Geekissimo Thanks to friends I have come to discover Rsizr , an online application that can let you resize photos by eliminating unnecessary details into it! The steps are few and simple: upload your picture, move the two cursors positioned on the top bar and left and get the desired effect! To try

Monday, September 17, 2007

Lactulose Blood Sugar

Visual search engine!

oSkope is really interesting, a search engine that offers a preview of the content, Amazon, Flickr, Youtube and Ebay are the services that you can make your "Hunting ".... really useful! Try it!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What Happens To Antisocial Disorder People

return .... I have no words .....

Hello I am the deputy press Rogilla28. Unfortunately, we
society we do not have more words ... The team is now divided and there is no more bite that we had taken in the sixth series. Likely to be a year of promotion, we ridimensianati to stay in the seventh year of the series. Unfortunately so, today's defeat against third last in classifca weighs a ton. We played badly, as badly as you could. A lot unworthy lost 5 to 0, a coat unprecedented.

That is not our year it was already understood, however, suffer injuries in a game 3 is absurd ... two receipts for a violent and broken in a fall. Unfortunately, two of which are serious .... Knop creen and shall be valid for four weeks while Labaque for a single. These three injuries are added to the other two we already had. We are an emergency defense .... the next match against the current second we have, if there is no other injuries, just the three defenders (3 reserves) be put in place. Unfortunately, in midfield (including wings) are not in good shape we will have only 8 players, 5 of which will be deployed .... of which only three they hold. We are an emergency and in free fall. Unfortunately, we have 5 injured, 3 of which hold for quite a while.
We are playing bad and it is our fault, not luck also helps.

The delegate of print


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

London Ontario Gay Cruising

Before returning .... SHAME! Norbit

Hello I am the deputy press Rogilla28. One word ... "Shame !".... the president and the president, as well as fans, have absolutely enjoyed the service offered by the team Saturday .... Yet
had started the game very well, at half-time leads 2 to 0. Then in the last 8 minutes is an incredible success ... 2 to 1 we have 3 other networks and the game as well as our chances of promotion have gone up in smoke. Game ended up on the score of 2 to 4. Already we had lost the first leg 3 to 1 and was given an unexpected result to ensure that on paper our squad is stronger than our opponents, staggers but do not give up and instead we have also lost at home. The president and the president are very saddened for the team's performance ... the great economic effort to enlarge the stadium to 20,000 seats and take no are served .... The
squdra is retired from Sunday evening and will remain there until they begin to honor the field and their fans.

The delegate of print


Friday, September 7, 2007

Ati Xddm Window 7 Driver

Nokla N95, better than the original ...? (Yes)

The Usual ... the Japanese are able to overcome even the original! Turn on long Nokla N95, a copy of the 3rd generation of Nokia smartphones, which despite being a fake has features not found on the previous year, for example mounting a touchscreen (with special features to recognize handwritten words and convert them into digital) ! But I would not trust to put a cell phone to your ear ... I prefer to trust a copy to the old Swedish, you never know!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

How To Put Together Cosco Car Seat

"Norbit" is a film starring Eddie Murphy in three roles a bit like Verdone did in his earlier films (wonderful). The story of an orphan who spent his childhood with another orphan. The two love each other and get engaged but one day she is adopted and the two are separated. Meanwhile, Norbit, a form somewhat sui generis, is constantly crushed by his friends until a girl with loooong abundant forms becomes engaged to him. Norbit accepts also because it is only the engagement and you can start a family. But she tires of him and is very attractive in her gym teacher, in the meantime, he reunited his girlfriend who is about to marry a criminal .....

Rating: 6
In short, a scene is very funny, though the film is slow at times, Eddie Murphy's a shame because the story reads well and I think it's cute.

Hemp Milk Coffee Separates

Just a nothing

"Just a nothing" is a film shot with actors from Naples. Deals with the story of a group of friends, a guardian of cemeteries, a fisherman and Latin-lover, frustrated and unhappy that their lives decide the wake of a large number of thefts of jewelers at the time, even svaliggiarne of them. The jewelry was in fact also pointed to two other more well-organized criminal organizations. The three then try to svaliggiare the jewelry in a Pandino .....

Score: 6 - a film discrete
In short, just a few laughs, but it does also reflect on the relationship of marriage in crisis ....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Root Beer Tapper Play On Line

The first unexpected defeat

Hello, I'm the deputy press Rogilla28. Unfortunately, comes the first defeat of the season in a game dominated by our opponents honest. Only a good test of our goalkeeper Caputi has avoided the liability is greater than the final. Unfortunately we lost the championship lead and we slipped to fourth place. What most worried about right now is the mood of the players, apart after the game. We hope to recover soon. For the record the game ended 1 to 0.

The delegate of print


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cubefield 2 Unblockedd

Hello I am the deputy press Rogilla28. Well, the third in the championship ended in a draw for us, unexpected. In reality we do not expect it so loud a test of strength of our opponents that we were taken aback. Fortunately, with difficulty always at a disadvantage we were able to maintain the primacy of achieving a ranking for two and drawing two. Unfortunately, the next game will be complicated .... we hope to keep the summit.

Meanwhile, presiding and the president has inaugurated the works for the enlargement of the stadium to 20,000 seats. A big financial commitment, so that now the company is in deficit, but we hope to return to breakeven as soon as possible, thanks to the affection of our audience.

The delegate of print


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Older Women In Tigths

Good Draw the second!

Hello I am the deputy press Rogilla28. Well the second game of the season saw us win against the now-ex second Lineafiorec. Our boys performed well and have their greatest prevalence rate technical - tactical played a good game away from home. The conflict ended two to zero for us.
The team already is preparing for the next league game much more challenging.
The president and the president also wants to communicate to the many fans who can not get tickets soon the stadium will be expanded to 6000 seats well with a great economic effort of the company.

The delegate of print


Monday, July 23, 2007

Continuous Point And Shoot

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

How do I describe a game that I think is close to perfection? Well

The Elder Scrolls is the fourth episode (I personally have not played any of the p withdrawing) of the TES series produced by Bethesda Game Studios for PC and X-Box 360.
The story is simple: After the mysterious and unexpected death of the Emperor, desperate factions fight for control of the throne of Tamriel. With the disintegration of the empire to the limits, the gates of Oblivion open and demons march upon the earth, leaving devastation to everything they encounter. To avoid the force of darkness the player must find the lost heir to the throne and to reveal the secret plot that threatens to destroy all Tamara.
Start the game by choosing your character should look like physically, and they already have a tiny graficamnte taste of what the game offers. What is amazing is the breadth of the game and the freedom of action. Forget the walls and windows, you will be a new world that we undertake already time to move from one city to another. The characters with which you are about a thousand interaggire and many missions. This requires a tremendous longevity. Currently I am close to 50 hours of play, but believe me when I say that I'm not even halfway through the game. The graphics are jaw-dropping, nothing so sublime has ever seen my PC and my eyes. The first time I stayed to watch the sunset or the sunrise from the Imperial City so the graphics are well done. The work
was huge for this game, but the result was enormous repaid. You can choose what you do to make your character without any restrictions. You can become a mage (like me), a warrior, a thief, a murderess, or not to join any guild. You can be a good player or a character and bad choices votre according to the game and the plot will be modified accordingly.
You'll find yourself in a new reality, you will have a new alter ego.
The gameplay is also great because it goes from a level in my psycho by the difficulty of such a very, very easy.
I can only strongly recommend it because it's beautiful.
A tip: the controls are not many as the game is not difficult to understand even the icons are very descriptive, but I suggest you read the guidance of the game.

In summary: If you like games in general and in particular you really must play rpg
Rating: 10 Since I do not think you should put in the future because it could be something better (although there are exceptions (Cicciuzza)) The Elder Scrolls is a really great game so here are my ratings
Graphics: 9.8 (If you want to see some pictures click here )
Sound: 9.6
Longevity: 9.8
Plot: 9.6 Overall Rating
: 9.7

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Windows 7 Errore 0x4004f00c

Good first

Hello I am the delegate Rogilla28 printing. Well nothing to say about the first championship ... we played against a team in disarray and we have not had much to struggle to get the better. In fact, the team went into camp a little altered for the most important game of the Italian Cup on Tuesday, this game even more challenging, but we are confident of a good result. To chronicle the championship game was won by 3 to 0 for us.

The delegate of print


Messages Newborn Babies

Three (3 Hg): better to cheat, it '?!

behavior implemented by the operator these days Three (3 Hg) is considered a real scam against their customers and how they are doing is borderline of legality. These days

Three is sending a SMS to customers who have a plan Super3 , SuperTua and similar where you wrote the following:

"From 1 / 09 change your plan. For new conditions and withdrawal without penalty, except costs of 3, free call 4371 or click the

What will change for you, especially if you have a plan Super3?

  • calls pass 10 to 12 cents / min
  • SMS pass 10 to 12 cents each.
  • as call goes from 15 to 16 cents
  • the auto for incoming calls declined from 10 to 5 cents / min
  • the auto for SMS drops from 4 to 2 cents
  • the minimum threshold to receive the auto-switch 3 to 5 € / month

In practice, a mean increase of 20% regarding rates and a decrease of 50% of the value of 'auto-recharge. In our opinion

Three of the behavior is wrong and not entirely legal, because:
  • have warned users of changes to an existing agreement, by SMS, without using a registered letter r.
  • are changing a prior contract with users
  • have included a clause expressly authorizing them to amend the contract at will (think it is legal?)
  • who took a phone through a free will return without receiving back the sum paid for (in some cases from 100 to 300 €).

In many forum is discussing how to defend themselves from this abuse, but many users seem to be more 'that disoriented. Also note the strategic period in which three decided to do this: August! In this period many people will be on holiday, many offices will be closed and there will indeed be far less time to make a decision and defend themselves.

For now we have no clear on what is actually should do. In the meantime there are those who should fill out this form to send:

in which intimate operator not to make the rate change.

Who had more information on how to proceed can 'send us your comments through this blog.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hello I am the deputy press Rogilla28.
After the crushing defeat by 3 to 1 in the final game and then our relegation, the team decided to enter a news blackout to meditate on the mistakes and what we could do better. Unfortunately, some of you to our relegation, failing to understand the commitment that our players have always made, like all managers, have chosen not to follow our adventures. We hope to make them think again. However, the first game of the Italian Cup, although a bit painful and won in extra time with a goal by Nils Stork, has gone through.
Saturday there will be the first day of Capion, our opponents seem to be in disarray and under unpredictable situations we should win easily. And 'course, this year we aim to promote ... But we have to deal with a group rather complex, one of the best series VII ... 1024 certainly present on one of the first hundred ... if we had stumbled into a medium then the promotion would be a requirement, now is a hope ....

The delegate of Print


Heated Battery Operated Blanket

A new season and well ... who no see

and well ... I came back again. Unfortunately, university life has kept me away from my blogging for a while ... However now I'm done (for now ).... In the meantime I'd like to wish a good summer to everyone!
Have fun!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Descargar Mount And Blade Native Spanish

E 'arrived Fontenna! Flickr

This morning I finally got the long-awaited Fontenna . This is a special antenna, designed specifically to enhance the signal of its Fonera (as well as any other wireless router compatible with the plug supplied).

In these days there is a promotion that allowed Foneros old or who purchased a new Fonera to have it at the promotional price of € 2 (compared to € 17.20 to base price) and I did not have really made escape.

As soon as it arrived, I immediately wanted to test it, and the impression was immediately excellent! The signal is actually increased, considerably extending the scope of the wireless network and allowing you to share your connection with many more 'people.


Here I report the technical characteristics of the antenna, as shown on the site Fon:
  • Dimensions: 150 x 90 x 14 mm
  • Weight: 300 gr
  • Frequency Range: 2400 MHz - 2500 MHz Antenna gain
  • -without cable: 7 dBi Antenna gain-with
  • cable: 6.5 dBi VSWR
  • : 2.0: 1 Max
  • Polarization: Linear, vertical
  • Impedance: 50 Ω
  • Temperature: -10 º C to +55 º C
  • Connector: R / P SMA PLUG
  • Cable: ULA168, L = 3M

The Packaging

The Fontenna be sent via courier and comes packed in a cardboard box, perhaps a little 'Spartan appearance, but it contains everything you need to be up and running.

The first impression when you open the box is to be confronted with an object very solid and well constructed. This may have been practically forced a choice, if you think that the Fontenna is designed to be mounted not only within a building, but also outside, attached to the glass of the window or staring at the wall with the stand .

As you can see, in fact, the package includes two double-sided adhesive circles, which lend themselves very well if you want to fix the Fontenna a glass, or the stand that, after being fixed with two screws to Fontenna, is ready to be hooked up to two nails or pins that we will have been fixed to the wall.

How big is Fontenna?

Honestly when I saw the first pictures of Fontenna the net, I thought it was a small object, at most big of a pack of cigarettes. But when I opened the box, I found myself faced with something a bit more 'big up to my expectations (as you can see in the photo at right, I wanted to compare it with a Nokia 3330). This must not be regarded as a defect, as they may surface more 'allows wider spread in a more' optimal radio waves.

Field test

After Fontenna placed the glass of a window overlooking the garden of my house, I took my handheld ( Nokia N770) and I performed some small tests outdoors.

First I checked out until the distance is detected Fontenna. Despite some obstacles in the middle (trees, a wall etc. ...) was detected by the Fontenna my PDA to well 40 meters away (I carried out the measures by Google Earth).

The second test I made was of bandwidth on the maximum distance. In practice I found that even 35-40 meters away you could still surf the web and listen to streaming radio, which demonstrate that the band was not punished more than 'a lot.


After testing the Fontenna, I would recommend it to all who were a bit 'skeptical on the actual gain in terms of range of your wireless network. The benefits are obviously greater in the case of positioning in the external (wall-mounted), returning very useful in all those places like a garden, courtyard or park in front of our house.